Speaking English, Spanish, a Language
It is so common for people who have had a total exposure or little exposure to, English, Spanish, or any other language, normally mention they can understand it without being able to speak it. Some of them memorized a word, phrase, or sentence of a foreign language that it has helped them in a particular occasion on vacation, at work, and at school. These same people know deeply they need to speak another language, but they haven’t thought that they could learn it to speak it fluently.
Language research and theories explain about how people learn to speak a second language are related to the first language acquisition. In other words, the way individuals learned their native language (L1), they learn their second language (L2). For behaviorists, the processes involved in second language learning consisted of imitation, repetition, and reinforcement of grammatical structures. Other theories have been influential in promoting language teaching practices that focus on communication, not grammatical form. These communicative approaches give and take of natural conversations between native and non-native speakers as the crucial element of the Spanish, English or any second language acquisition process.
Being familiar with the second language learning process, brings awareness and understanding of this complex and beneficial process for all citizens of the world. It means that speaking English, Spanish, and other languages is possible! Essentials of second language acquisition provides enhancement and development. Second language learning needs to be promoted as a main component of school’s curriculum and professional development. It gives not only cognitive and academic benefits, but career advantages as well. Bilingual or multilingual speakers have specific benefits over monolinguals speakers in this global connected world. Knowledge is power! You understand that learning a second language occurs with the right communicative approach that works for you. Don’t hesitate anymore learning a foreign language! You can speak English, Spanish, Mandarin, Italian, Portuguese, Korean, or any other language you consider attractive for this exciting new journey!
Hajimia, H., Singh, M. K. S., Yusoff, M. D. D. N., & Rathakrishnan, M. (2019). English Grammar Revolution using Corpus-Based Approach: How do the Students React? Strength for Today and Bright Hope for Tomorrow Volume 19: 10 October 2019 ISSN 1930-2940, 232. Retrieved from http://www.languageinindia.com/oct2019/v19i10oct2019.pdf#page=235
Yunjie Huang, Yi Zhang (2019). A Case Study of The EFL Learner’s Needs Analysis Based on Krashen’s Monitor Theory. Vol.7 (Iss.8): August 2019] ISSN- 2350-0530(O), ISSN- 2394-3629(P) ©International Journal of Research. DOI: http://www.languageimpact.com/articles/other/ashertpr.htm02/10/04 https://doi.org/10.29121/granthaalayah.v7.i8.2019.669